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Are you exempt from MTD?


Are you exempt from MTD?

From the 1st April 2019, if you are a VAT registered business with a turnover that is above £85,000, you must legally follow the MTD compliant rules, meaning that most business will now need to digitally record their books and records. If you currently use spreadsheets and cashbooks, this will need to be changed so that your company uses a compliant software in the future.

You can however apply for an exemption in some cases, which are listed below: –

·        If you are unable to use a computer software or do not have access to the internet due to a disability or the surrounding of where you live.

·        If you are banned from using computers due to a religion

·        If your business is subject to an insolvency procedure

To apply for an exemption for your business for any of the reasons above you would need to speak to HMRC therefore, you could either call or write to them. Before calling you will need to advise them of the following information to reason your exemption: –

·        Your VAT registration number

·        Your business name and the address

·        Details of how you currently file your VAT Return

·        The reason you think you’re exempt from Making Tax Digital (MTD)

If you are to apply for an exemption on someone else’s behalf, HMRC will require a written or verbal authorisation from the business,to be aware they give you permission. HMRC will then contact you by writing you a letter which will be their decision on whether you are able to be exempt,until you are advised of this, you may continue filing your VAT Return as normal.

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)