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We know how long it takes to manually input data, that’s why we have been encouraging our clients for the last two years to use a data capture tool that will input all of your paperwork straight into your accounting solution. This is ideal for managing high quantities of invoices, receipts, bills, and expenses.


AutoEntry is a data capture tool that helps you to record your financial documents electronically, using your smart phone to scan or take photos of each transaction and store it in the cloud. AutoEntry will connect and automatically post transactions into your chosen accounting software.


At MPH Accountants and Business Advisors, we can support you with the installation and setup of the app on your smart phone and help you through the stages to record all your financial transactions.


AutoEntry is beneficial to you as it will:

–         Eliminate manual data entry

–         Benefit the environment as you will no longer be required to keep hard copies of paperwork

–         Provide you with more accurate accounts

–         Leave you with more time to focus on your growing business


All you need is a smart phone! For more information or training on AutoEntry, please contact Jake on 01227 277667 or by emailing him at

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)