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Be Scam Aware


Be Scam Aware

There has been a recent increase in “HMRC” scams that we are hearing about.

Yesterday we had a call from a client who was abroad and extremely worried as both herself and her husband had been called by debt collectors who were about to enter their business premises unless they paid over £800 over the phone.

They were incredibly plausible, even stating that they were almost at the premises and naming nearby roads and schools they were just passing, as well as knowing the couples’ dates of birth.

Our clients have a history in finance so are completely aware of scams but even they were very nearly fooled as the “bailiff” on the phone called both of their phones stating that once they entered the building the debt increases a further £400+.

We have also heard of this happening to someone in one of our networking groups so please be cautious.

Scammers are rife but they seem to increase in the run up to Christmas when people are busy and perhaps more prone to fall for them.

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Keeping your cashflow strong in tough times

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Keeping your cashflow strong in tough times