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Bounce back your vending operation with Maxx Control Fuel Card


Bounce back your vending operation with Maxx Control Fuel Card

Post-pandemic lockdown our Maxx Control Pre-Pay Fuel Card is our latest product that will let you and your drivers fill up wherever and whenever for less.

We know you have had to get creative to keep your business running during the past year. You have done the right thing by being an MPH Accountants client during these challenging times, and we are proud to be part of your support as an approved partner.

Since our partnership began during lockdown last year, we have been saving businesses throughout the nation up to 10p per litre on national average pump prices. It is no wonder MPH Accountants call us a “trusted partner”. Mark Checksfield is the dedicated account manager for members. He has been keeping an eye on the price of fuel as it has been roller coasting during the coronavirus restrictions.

It is ideal for businesses coming back fighting from lockdown, as there are no extensive credit checks that could end up hurting your score. We will carry out just a simple ID verification check, then issue the card, and you can start recovering.

Our Maxx Control prepaid account gives you all the benefits of a fuel card (fixed price diesel, HMRC approved billing, real-time reporting, and much more) plus the ability to Top Up your account 24/7 – for instance, from your computer, smart phone, and tablet.

The Maxx Control Pre-Pay Fuel Card offers incredibly competitive weekly fixed wholesale pricing, whether you manage just one or one hundred vehicles. There is no minimum spend, no hidden extras, no inflated fuel prices, all billing is transparent.

Everything we do is transparent. We are a family-owned business supplying fuel cards, bulk fuels, Ad Blue and Lubricants. Last year, we helped more than 50,000 customers save on fuel, from entrepreneurs to couriers and many more organisations that rely on vehicles to get the job done.


MPH Accountants members can pick any of our comprehensive range of commercial rate fuel cards, and there are no set up fees, transaction charges, network fees or other hidden charges. 50% off our standard card charge (usually £12 per year). One weekly invoice means up to two weeks of free credit before direct debit payment. Nothing extra is added to the bill every time you refuel.

The range includes fuel cards that are valid at BP, Esso, Shell, and Texaco sites and supermarkets (Fuel genie), independent retailers and specialist diesel networks, such as Key fuels and UK fuels. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of Oil fast Ltd, a substantial bulk fuel, lubricant and licensed Ad blue® manufacturer and distributor. So, if you have a fuelling station at your depot, we will happily tell you how we can help, and there are preferential rates for MPH Accountants members.

For MPH Accountants members, please visit our  FLEETMAXXSOLUTIONS introduction page here. Complete the enquiry form, and Mark Checksfield will call you back.

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