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Coronavirus – Government help for those who are self-employed


Coronavirus – Government help for those who are self-employed

As many of you will have heard from the news, the Government are helping taxpayers who are unable to work.

Those who are employed, will receive statutory sick pay from day one, rather than from the fourth day of their illness. This will be payable to people who stay at home following Government advice, not just those who are affected.

However, self-employed people do not receive statutory sick pay. The Government recommends that a claim for Universal Credit is made for those who are required to stay at home or who have coronavirus. In these cases, the self-employed could receive up to one months’ advance without having to physically attend the Jobcentre.  

We have advised our clients to do this as soon as they are affected. If you are one to do so, please let us know via email of your experience so that we can share this with other clients.

You should also keep an eye out for articles that are appearing on our website underneath the news tab, as this will be regularly updated.

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