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Ditch the theory – listen to the practical


Ditch the theory – listen to the practical

You often know what you don’t know……


Ever bought a business theory book, started reading it and got bored after the third or fourth chapter? This mainly happens when a business owner is looking to move their business forward but isn’t really sure where to start. You end up searching Amazon looking for books that are relevant and spending £50 or so, in the hope that it firstly becomes a “quick fix” or secondly, that you’ll find time to read them.


The answer could be in a business coach as they act as mentors or sounding boards. It’s like having a counsellor where you have a safe and private space to download your thoughts and visions. If you’ve ever had counselling, you’ll know that there are often subjects in life you cannot talk about with your loved ones for fear of hurting them or their feelings – business is often similar to this.    


The owners of the business have the vision of where they want the business to be. Sometimes, this is a clear vision and sometimes, it’s a variety of ideas in their head. Often however, they will share their ideas or vision with key people within their business, which simply leads to uncertainty or insecurity of jobs and the future.


Similar to counsellors, good business coaches will allow the owners the space to explore their ideas and relay real-time experience for the owner to consider. After each session, there should be a period of reflection where the owner is able to digest the session and make informed choices as to the future direction of the business.


A good business coach not only understands a variety of business theory but applies it to real situations more quickly than the time it takes to read a management book.


In the first session, we guarantee every client at least one nugget that will improve efficiency or profitability. Of course, this is part of us demonstrating the benefits of ongoing coaching sessions. But just as one session of counselling doesn’t solve your life problems, business progression won’t be solved by a library of half read management books.


So, worth investing 90 minutes to see?


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