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Grants now available to help the younger generation reconnect with their pre-pandemic lives


Grants now available to help the younger generation reconnect with their pre-pandemic lives

Clubs, community groups, schools, and early years are being invited to apply for funding to provide extra activities that will help children and young people reconnect to their pre-pandemic lives.

The funding is available through the Kent County Council-led Reconnect project.

The funding can be used for activities, events or local projects that address gaps in missed learning, promote health and happiness, encourage the uptake of sports or other outdoor activities, help children and young people reconnect with friends, family, or local communities.

Amounts of up to £2,000 are available to small groups and organisations, schools, and early years settings to run local projects or events, while larger community organisations can apply for up to £8,000.


The closing date for applications is 24th October

Click here for further information.

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