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Help to Grow: Digital


Help to Grow: Digital

Discover how digital technology can help you to grow your business!

By understanding and adopting new technologies, your business will operate more efficiently. You will save time and effort on day-to-day tasks, which will allow you to spend time exactly where it is needed.

The Government have recently launched Help to Grow: Digital as part of their Plan for Jobs. The aim is to help businesses use the latest technology to save money, save time, reach new customers and be more competitive. You will receive the advice and funding you need to meet the digital future.

By answering a handful of questions, you will be provided with tailored information to your business, you’ll be able to access guides as well as hear from other businesses who have successfully transitioned to digital technology.

Discounts worth up to £5,000 for purchases of software are now being offered by the Government, which include discounts that cover up to 50% of software cost. The financial discount is available to all UK businesses that have a registered office in the UK, have been actively trading for over 12 months, have a total of between 5 and 249 employees, and are purchasing the approved software for the first time.

For further information, please go to contact Jake at

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)