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Local Support Needed For Off The Floor Scheme


Local Support Needed For Off The Floor Scheme

I am sure that we can all remember a day when we have had to come to work having had a bad night’s sleep.  Tired, irritable, with a mid-afternoon slump and a to do list that just didn’t seem to get done.  Now imagine every day was like that.

Thanet Iceberg Project, through their Off the Floor campaign are helping over 200 children and young people who do not have their own bed.  Sharing with siblings or their parents, sleeping on sofas or chairs, or in many cases on the floor, these children experience a poor night’s sleep, every night.

“It is heart-breaking when you visit a family for whom a bed is a luxury item.  It just is not OK” says Chief Executive, Alexander Rourke.  “One of the last beds we delivered was for a 14-year-old boy who was sharing a bed with his mum, the two of them having escaped an abusive home”.

The work that Thanet Iceberg are doing has been highlighted on KMTV news (read article here) as well as a number of local and national press outlets including Charity Today. Read the article here.

They are looking for some help with the Off the Floor project and are looking for some sponsorship.  Every bed that they give to a family is hand built at their workshop in Westwood Cross.  Every mattress is brand new, and each bed comes with a complete bedding set. 

They have found a new source of mattresses costing just £43 each however they need to buy 100 mattresses to reach this price point.  What they are hoping for is a local company to sponsor these mattresses, helping 100 children to get Off the Floor and into their own bed.

For more information please contact Alexander Rourke on 01843 838244 or email at 

The project web address is

Their main website is

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