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MPH Accountants Updated Covid Statement


MPH Accountants Updated Covid Statement

Following government advice and taking the appropriate precautions to tackle the spread of COVID-19 we are keeping our business open as usual but with some alterations to our day to day activity.

Our priority is the wellbeing of our staff, valued clients and wider community and therefore we are making the following adjustments to our day to day operations: –

· We are only having two members of staff in each of our offices

Office doors will be locked. If you need to drop something into us, please phone ahead.

· We have remote working capability in all aspects of our business

Should the UK be placed on lockdown, we will still be open for business, but our offices will close during this time.  All phone lines and emails for members of the team will remain in place.

· Clients in isolation

If you are unable to sign paperwork or require copies of paperwork urgently but are unable to get to us, we have an online system which includes the use of e-approval technology.  If you are not currently using the system and wish to be set up please email

Updates on help available for our clients are posted  here;

Please check on this regularly as often multiple articles are uploaded daily.

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