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MPH & FTA merger


MPH & FTA merger

So why did I merge?  

The demands of running your own practice are daunting, the ever-increasing compliance that has to be adhered to, constant CPD training, new rules being brought in, then changed often at short notice.  HMRC Blasé attitude in responding to correspondence and then the big change with MTD (Making Tax Digital)  were overwhelming

In July last year while on holiday I made a big decision; one that I knew would significantly alter the course that I was currently on.  I had realised that not making required changes to the way I was operating would potentially be damaging to both myself and my family.  I had been working long hours for more years than I care to think of and constantly worrying about my business.  This had started to affect my health and wellbeing.  I decided it was time for change!!!!

This is something I had been considering for quite a few years before but making change is often difficult and I always came up with reasons why not to do it.  Basically, the fear of the unknown was probably the biggest.  This time felt different though.  I talked over the decision with my business coach (everyone should have a coach, speak to me if you don’t !!) and I contacted Andy at MPH Accountants.

It was quite nerve-wracking once the wheels were set in motion.  Some colleagues who had sold their practices had run into one obstacle after another, but I reassured myself that there were also others that had no problems at all.  Would I be one of the luckier ones!

My initial contacts with Andy were very positive.  We had known each other for over ten years and as we worked our way forward through the process it became obvious that we should merge.

With the resources available at MPH it would allow me to concentrate on the work I love, which is looking after all my clients!

In October 2021 Contracts were signed and the journey began. Over the next few months, working with Andy, Kellie, Lewis, Jake, Oscar and Megan at MPH and my wife Mandy at FTA, we finally made it to merge day on the 14th of February 2022.  It has been quite a journey over that time but a great experience.

For the first time in a long time, I am really looking forward to the future.  It still hasn’t completely sunk in!  

In April, for the first time in 18 years, I will be having a fortnights holiday, which I can’t quite believe!  I am very much looking forward to working at MPH Accountants.

I would like to thank everyone at MPH for making me feel welcome and special thanks to Andy for making what seemed a daunting process feel relatively stress free.  Finally, I want to thank my wife Mandy for all of her help and support as without her I would not have got through this.  

“Experience is the teacher of all things” (Julius Caesar)

Des Mullaney

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)