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MTD – What Software to Use


MTD – What Software to Use

There are many software packages that are available for
clients to use.  We deal with the major
five, being: –


– Sage One

– Kashflow

– Quick Books

– Free Agent

– Xero


Every software has its pros and cons but in effect they all
maintain your records to be MTD compliant. 
Some software are better than others for different types of businesses,
however we strongly recommend that if you have not yet chosen one of these, to
contact our office so that we will be able to help you decide which software
would be most beneficial for your business and to explain the added benefits of
each.  If you wanted to use the software
fully, we can explain what each one offers, such as sales invoices, profit and
loss account and helping you to keep better control of your finances.


We are able to offer training on all of the software
packages that we recommend.  Training can
be carried out either at our offices or your premises and being cloud based we
are able to access your systems and assist you when required.

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)