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Proud to support ‘Buy 1 Give 1’


Proud to support ‘Buy 1 Give 1’

We are pleased to announce that we are supporting the great work that B1G1 (Buy One Give One) are doing.

B1G1 is a global social enterprise and a non-profit charity organisation which has touched the lives of more than 232 million people. It helps to fund life-saving and life-enriching projects across the globe and we are extremely proud to announce that we are now part of this outstanding organisation.

With the help of B1G1, we now donate when certain events happen within our organisation.

For example: –

·        When it’s one of the team’s birthday, we donate 20 sets of ingredients for school lunches for impoverished children.

·        When we receive a testimonial, we donate 10 days of learning materials to vulnerable children in need.

·        When a client requires one of our support packages, we provide 7 days of university education support to a disadvantage child.

·        When someone downloads the book below ‘Our Time To Rise’, we will give 1 month of clean lifesaving water to families in need.

The team at MPH Accountants are honoured to have the opportunity to help enrich the lives of impoverished and underprivileged communities.

To find out more, please click here and watch the video. There is even a book for you to download and read which Andy has written a foreword for.

Beneath the B1G1 video on our website, you can see the impact we have already had in just a short period of time.

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)