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Setting up a Direct Debit for your PAYE


Setting up a Direct Debit for your PAYE

Did you know you can set up a Direct Debit for your PAYE to give yourself one less job each month.

HMRC will then automatically collect your PAYE shortly after 22nd of the month or 4 working days after you file the return, if it is filed after 19th of the month.  This will show on your bank statement as HMRC SDDS.

If you pay quarterly, this can still be done and this will be collected every three months as usual.

When you can use this type of Direct Debit

You can pay the following charges using this type of Direct Debit:

  • Full Payment Submission (FPS)
  • Employer Payment Submission (EPS)
  • Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)
  • Apprenticeship Levy (AL)
  • Class 1A National Insurance
  • Earlier Year Update

You cannot pay the following charges using this type of Direct Debit:

  • any interest or penalties you owe
  • return payments over £20 million

You will need to use another method of payment to pay these charges.

To set up your Direct Debit, just sign into your HMRC Online Account and select Set Up Direct Debit.

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