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Telematics – how to ensure (and improve) driver behaviour


Telematics – how to ensure (and improve) driver behaviour

Adopting telematics technology by the owner of a business is clear-cut when looking at investment return. The commercial benefits include savings on fuel and vehicle wear and tear, putting telematics firmly in the category of cost savings.

An ongoing challenge for any business is knowing where to spend their time and energy to have the most positive impact. Telematics technology is an investment that will undoubtedly affect your organisation both organisationally and operationally.

From a safety and security perspective, by monitoring and managing drivers more effectively, a company can proactively tackle the source of potential accidents by offering training to drivers where needed and by ensuring they are not under pressure to take risks on the road to meet targets. In addition, it is possible to protect vehicles against thieves and track them if stolen.

Whether you have one or thousands of vehicles on the road our recommended partner, fleetmaxx solutions can help reduce your running costs with discounted diesel and petrol, telematic tracking, vehicle cameras and business insurance solutions

You can view our recommended partners here

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