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The Mechanics of applying for the Grant if you are self employed


The Mechanics of applying for the Grant if you are self employed

Past articles have explained about the grant and what information you need to have to hand.

Please note that we are unable to make the claim for you.

HMRC have stated;

“Agents won’t be able to make a claim on behalf of their clients.

Designing a scheme that enabled agents to apply on behalf of their clients would have taken substantially longer to deliver, at a time when speed is the essence.

Instead, we have designed the scheme to be as simple as possible for customers to use, and we will calculate the amount a person is entitled to based on the information we already hold.”

How to use the checker

To use the online checker, you will need your Unique Taxpayer Reference Number and your National Insurance Number.

If you are eligible, you will then be given a date, between 13th and 18th‌‌ May, from which you can apply. This date is assigned randomly to help HMRC manage demand on the service, making sure that everyone who needs to make a claim can do so.

You will also be asked to provide your Government Gateway credentials (user ID and password) and check that your bank and contact details are up to date. This is important so that HMRC can remind you by email or text message when it’s your turn to make a claim.

If you don’t have Government Gateway credentials, you can set those up simply if you follow the guidance and use the SEISS eligibility checker. There will be no requirement to wait for pins or codes through the post.

Please use the SEISS eligibility checker and get your Government Gateway credentials now if you don’t already have this set up. This will make applying for the grant quicker and easier when it is your time to apply.

The application process

The application process will show how HMRC has calculated the grant you are due to receive.

If you wish to seek a review of this calculation, please let us know. It’s important to note that the checker has an extremely high accuracy rate as HMRC are using the data that has previously provided.

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)

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Making Tax Digital (MTD)