Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator UPDATE - Cash Grant from your local Authority - MPH Accountants & Business Advisors
UPDATE – Cash Grant from your local Authority


UPDATE – Cash Grant from your local Authority

Local Authorities have now confirmed more details on how the grant will be paid.

If you pay by Direct Debit then the council will automatically pay the grant into the bank where the Direct Debit is set up. Payment will be made by Tuesday 7th April or shortly afterwards

If you don’t pay by Direct Debit then the council will write to you supplying a link to an online form which allows you to enter your bank details

The local authority will also require the following documents to confirm the correct bank account is being supplied

Photocopy or screen shot of a recent bank statement 

Company registration number if applicable

VAT number if applicable

Your business Rates accounts reference which can be found on a recent rates invoice

Once you have supplied the relevant information payment can take up to 5 working days

If you do not received a letter or email from your local authority by 15th April and think that you are due a grant then you need to contact the business rates team, The links are below.

Canterbury City Council                                              

Thanet District Council 

Please ensure that you regularly check our news section on our website for further help.

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