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Why We Use QuickBooks


Why We Use QuickBooks

We find that QuickBooks is one of the best pieces of software for our clients to use.  Not only does it help you become MTD compliant, but it also speeds up your record keeping by: –


–         Hands-free data entry – once the bank account has been connected within QuickBooks, transactions will be automatically downloaded

–         More connections – Apps such as AutoEntry can be synced with QuickBooks, allowing for automated data entry by accurately capturing invoices and receipts.


Currently in America, QuickBooks is linked to a lending app which analyses your company’s figures and when they identify a good lending prospect, the business is notified within their books that borrowing is available to them almost instantaneously. This is likely to be pushed over to the UK at some point.


If you have any questions regarding QuickBooks, please do not hesitate to contact Jake on 01227 277667 or